Thank you for letting us know.  To update our system and to avoid getting further notifications regarding missing information for the Take Home program, please do the following:

  1. Log back into MiStar Parent Portal
  2. Click on the red Back To School Registration link at the top of the screen
  3. Click on the Register Now button to the far right of your child's name
  4. From the menu that is now displayed to the left, please choose Chromebook/Ipad Take Home Participation
  5. Scroll all the way to the bottom and insure that Not Participate In Take Home Program is selected for BOTH of the drop down selection boxes.   Currently in MiStar, our records show that the selection has been chosen to participate.  Changing it back to Not Participate will avoid notices sent to you via email that your transactions to participate are incomplete. 
  6. Ensure that there is a check in the box next to Mark This Section Complete and lastly click Submit at the top of the screen

Attached is an illustration for your reference along with a link to our short video tutorial: